飲食品の汚染指標としての腸球菌に関する研究-II : 糖類分解能に基ずく菌型分類
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By using the dextrose azide-ethyl violet azide broth method many strains of enterococcus group were isolated from feces, soils, waters and foods. According to the seventh edition of Bergeys manual the majority of these strains belonged to Streptococcus faecalis and the remaining strains were identified with Streptococcus faecalis var. liquefaciens. On the basis of the fermentation tests, these strains were divided into three distinct types: Type I ferments mannitol and arabinose, but not sorbitol and glycerol. Type II does not ferment all of these carbohydrates. Type III ferments mannitol, sorbitol and glycerol, but fails to ferment arabinose. Although considerable number of strains of these three types were isolated from human feces, particularly type I accounting for about the half of them. In the animal-derived strains, on the other hand, type II predominated over the strains belonging to type I or III. Almost all strains isolated from polluted waters and soils belonged to type I or II. On the contrary only gelatin-liquefying organisms of type III were generally isolated from uncontaminated soils and waters in the mountains. Most of strains belonging to type III derived from human and animal feces failed to liquefy gelatin. The above-mentioned facts suggest that gelatin-liquefying organisms of type III may be of nonfecal origin. Most of significant strains of enterococcus group available as indices of pollution may probably be classified into three types mentioned above.
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