水産動物組織の酵素分解に関する研究-III : アンモニア生成とアミドとの関係
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The present paper deals with the generation of ammonia through the enzymatic degradation of aquatic animal tissue. The results obtained may be summarized as follows: 1. In cases that pyloric coeca extract was added to the fish muscle, the amount of ammonia generated was estimated to be equivalent to the amount of amide nitrogen reduced in the substrate. Hence the generated ammonia may de supposed to have been derived from the amide nitrogen in the muscle. 2. While, in the autolysis of pyloric coeca, the amount of ammonia generated was far more abundant than that of amide nitrogen reduced: from this phenomenon, the generation of ammonia by an unknown substance besides amide was suggested. 3. Under the enzymatic degradation of fish muscle, the optimum pH for ammonia generation ranged from 5 to 6; in case of autolysis of pyloric coeca it was fixed to be 9 or more than that.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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