藻類の栄養代謝に関する研究-II : マクリの生育に対するアミノ酸及びビタミン類の効果
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In the previous paper1) we dealt with the effectiveness of amino acids, vitamins and pyloric coeca extract of skipjack on the growth of Porphyra tenera. Successively we studied on the same subject through the culture of Digenea simplex. The results are summarized in Table 1. In these studies it was found that the growth of Digenea was improved by addition of casein hydrolysate, vitamin mixture and pyloric coeca extract of skipjack as in the case of Porphyra. The addition of vitamin B12 allowed a considerable growth of Digenea when added in much smaller quentity, about 0.002-0.02γ per litre of sea water. The further addition of vitamin B12 was without apparent effect.
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