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Nitrofurazone which has been applied for preservation of fish sausages in Japan was shown o decrease its activity when heated with mammalian meat such as whale, mutton and horse meat. Evidence obtained might suggest that the decrease in bacteriostatic activity is caused by the reduction of nitrofurazone during the heating process by reducing substances in meat and in the presence of Fe++ ion from hemoglobin and myoglobin. Nitrofurylacrylamide, showed rapid reduction in its activity when heated with the cysteine without any cations, and this appeares to elucidate the unsuccessful application of the preserv-atives for Kamaboko or other meat products. The dependency of the heating reduction of the nitrofurans on hydrogen ion concentration and metalic ions was determined with simplified systems containing the nitrofurans, cysteine and cations. From the results of the above experiments, several methods to eluminate the heat reduction of nitrofurans were devised and some of them were shown to be successful when they were applied to Kamaboko.
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