くさやの研究-I : くさや汁の成分およびくさや汁のくさやの品質に及ぼす影響
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Kusaya is a special salted-dried fish originated a few hundred years ago in the island of Niizima, off the south coast of Izu Peninsula, Japan. A peculiar feature of the product is long, successive use of its curing brine with occasional addition of concentrated salt solution: some of the brines are said to have been used for more than four hundred years. Although Kusaya (lit. smelt fish) has a strong, fermentation odour, its excellent taste has been much prized by consumers. The chemical analyses of a brine revealed that it contains less than 4% salt and 490mg% volatile basic nitrogen. The pH value of the brine was 7.80. In spite of the low salt concentration of the brine, filleted jackmackerel which had been dipped in the brine for 24 hours showed a marked delay in the development of volatile basic nitrogen during subsequent storage. A mild taste and good texture of the product owing to the low salt concentration would be responsible for the appraised quality of Kusaya. The possibility of the occurrence of special microorganisms which might contribute the preserving effect of the brine was discussed.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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