The effects of steroid hormone and cyclophosphamide on elongation of viremia of duck hepatitis B virus.
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To clarify the effects of steroid hormone and cyclophosphamide on alteration of viremia of Duck Hepatitis B Virus (DHBV), experimental transmission of DHBV into each 40 ducks treated with steroid hormone and cyclophosphamide was performed.<BR>The mechanism of elongation of viremia by steroid hormone was assumed to be direct effect on activation of viral replication and this effect appered to be age-dependent. The direct effect of cyclophosphamide on activation of viral replication was not significant. It supposed that cyclophosphamide has a role on elongation of viremia by reducing the hepatitis activity in the liver that secondary inhibit the elimination of DHBV.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
福田 亮
島根医科大学 第2内科
赤木 収二
島田 宜浩
小野 直美
沖永 聡
日高 光宣
赤木 収二
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