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In a similar way, it can be inferred that uncooked soy sauce used as a seasoning results in foods with a high NH<SUB>3</SUB>-N content. It appears that patients with high blood NH<SUB>3</SUB>-N levels in liver cirrhosis should eat foods with a low NH<SUB>3</SUB>-N content. Consequently, since non-heat-treated soy sauces contain a great deal of NH<SUB>3</SUB>-N, such patients should refrain from comsuming unprocessed soy sauce with their meals. We believe that education based on the above finding will have a significant therapeutic effect in preventing hepatic encephalopathy in association with hyperammonemia in patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis. The NH<SUB>3</SUB>-N content of a variety of foods was measured using the method described by Fujii and Okuda. A slightly high NH<SUB>3</SUB>-N content was detected in meat, chicken, and various canned foods. Extremely high concentrations of NH<SUB>3</SUB>-N were found in all soy sauces except the processed Dashiwari variety. Low NH<SUB>3</SUB>-N concentrations were found in fresh miso and milk. Since Dashiwari soy sauce was the only one with a low NH<SUB>3</SUB>-N content, it was concluded that NH<SUB>3</SUB>-N content decreased to 1/3 to 1/5 when foods were heated.
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