The present state and problems of mass survey for hepatocellular carcimona
- 姉妹にみられた非特異性多発性小腸潰瘍性の2手術例
- 十二指腸乳頭部Gangliocytic paragangliomaの臨床的検討
- 5年以上生存肝癌症例の臨床的検討
- 急性肝障害を合併し,血液透析により救命しえた急性腎不全の1例
- 高齢入院患者におけるC型肝炎ウイルスの感染状況
- HBs抗原陽性血で汚染した注射針の刺傷事故後に発症した非A非B型肝炎の1例
- 膵・胆道疾患の腹腔鏡検査 (膵・胆道疾患とその周辺--鑑別診断と治療) -- (診断の進歩--画像診断法とその読み方)
- Duck hepatitis B virus を用いた Ara-A の抗ウイルス効果の検討
- 食品・調味料中アンモニウム塩含有量の測定と肝性脳症治療食としての低アンモニア食作成について
- A joint study on the prognosis of aged patients detected by mass screening for stomach cancer
- A case of drug induced colitis with maxillary sinus cancer.
- A Research Study about Actual State and Prospective System of Old Age Groups for Gastric Mass Survey
- A study of designed mass screening program for gastrointestinal cancer Evaluation of gastric mass survey
- 多発性肝外胆管炎症性ポリープの1例
- The present state and problems of mass survey for hepatocellular carcimona
- A problem of mass screening program for liver disease:To determine the group at high risk for liver cancer
- Serum pancreatic phospholipase A 2 value of liver disease patient whom it measured using monoclonal antibody and its clinical significance.
- タイトル無し
- Cell kinetic study on the healing process of indomethacin-induced gastric mucosal lesion of rats.