Pathomorphological study on resected hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Relationship between gross type and recurrence in resected HCC smaller than 3cm in diameter.:Relationship between gross type and recurrence in resected HCC smaller than 3cm in diameter
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In order to clarify the relationship between the recurrence rate and gross type of resected hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), 59 surgically resected HCCs smaller than 3cm in diameter at Kurume University Hospital during the past five years were studied grossly and histologically. According to the new gross classification proposed by the Japan Liver Cancer Study Group, the 59 cases were classified into 5 types; single nodular (39 cases), single nodular with extranodular tumor growth (8 cases), confluent multinodular (5 cases), multinodular (6 cases) and massive (0 cases). The recurrence rate of single nodular type was lower than that of other types, but there was no statistical significance. The incidence of tumor cell invasion into the portal vein branches and/or lymphatics was 20.5% in single nodular HCCs and was significantly lower than that of other type HCCs. The recurrence rates of various sized HCCs were as follows; 14.3% in HCCs smaller than 1cm, 38.5% in HCCs ranged from 1.1 to 2.0cm, and 46.2% in HCCs ranged from 2.1 to 3.0cm. Thus, the recurrence rate run parallel with the tumor diameter. The recurrence rate was much higher in the HCCs without capsule or with extracapsular tumor growth and tumor cell invasion into the portal vein branches and/or lymphatics. The recurrence rate was not much different in HCCs with or without preoperative anticancer therapies including transcatheter arterial embolization.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
中島 収
久留米大学 医学部外科
才津 秀樹
谷脇 智
杉原 茂孝
中山 和道
神代 正道
中島 収
清松 和光
神代 正道
谷脇 智
谷脇 智
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