Bile Acids and Biliary Carcinoma in Pancreaticobiliary Maljunction.
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Pancreaticobiliary maljunction is frequently associated with biliary carcinoma, whether or not there is choledochal dilatation. In this anomalous condition, pancreatic juice regurgitates and the mixture of bile and pancreatic juice stagnates in the biliary tree. In cystic choledochal dilatation, cancers arise, mainly in the dilated bile ducts, while in patients not having cystic dilatation, tumors arise in the gallbladder.Gallbladder bile and/or bile duct bile from fifteen cases of pancreaticobiliary maljunction, including five cancer patients, was analysed biochemically and compared with control bile from 6 patients with a normal pancreaticobiliary junction. Bile levels of pancreatic enzymes were extremely high in the anomalous junction group. In the bile duct bile from patients with cystic choledochal dilatation with pancreaticobiliary maljunction, the concentrations of deoxycholic acid (DCA), lithocholic acid (LCA) and unconjugated bile acid fractions were increased regardless of the presence of cancer. Increases of these bile acid fractions, which are known to have a cancer-promoting effect, were also seen in gallbladder bile from the cancer patients without cystic dilatation.
船曳 孝彦
Department of Surgery, Fujita Health University School of Medicine
松原 俊樹
Department of Surgery, Fujita Health University School of Medicine
落合 正宏
Department of Surgery, Fujita Health University School of Medicine
天野 洋
Department Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Univ
落合 正宏
Department of Surgery, Fujita Health University, School of Medicine
杉上 勝美
Department of Surgery, Fujita Health University, School of Medicine
船曳 孝彦
Department of Surgery, Fujita Health University, School of Medicine
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- Bile Acids and Biliary Carcinoma in Pancreaticobiliary Maljunction.