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In 35 patients with chronic sinusitis, skin test was carried out with a polyvalent bacterial antigen (Brcncasma Berna) and 8 types cf specific antigen solutions made from varicus bacte-ria in the upper respiratory tract. In addition, bacterial culture, eosinccyte count in rhinorrhea and the measurement cf human serum IgE were performed. The results were as follows; (1) Three types, i.e., immediate, intermediate, and delayed types, were observed as a reaction to the skin test. It was shown that the reaction to staphylococcus antigen appeared in the form of all the 3 types, while the reaction to the other bacterial antigens appeared mainly as intermediate type, followed by delayed and immediate types. (1) Three types, i.e., immediate, intermediate, and delayed types, were observed as a reaction to the skin test. It was shown that the reaction to staphylococcus antigen appeared in the form of all the 3 types, while the reaction to the other bacterial antigens appeared mainly as intermediate type, followed by delayed and immediate types. (2) In bacterial culture of rhinorrhea, staphylococcus was most frequently observed. (3) The examination of ecsinccytes and human serum IgE showed allergic characteristics. It was considered from the present results that staphylococcus and other bacterial species might play an important role in the allergic mechanism with regard to the development of chronic sinusitis.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
古内 一郎
栗山 一夫
古内 一郎
獨協医科大学 耳鼻咽喉科
佐藤 克広
池田 美恵子
馬場 由子
奥沢 裕二
馬場 贋太郎
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