チャノコカクモンハマキとチャハマキの(Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetateによる同時交信攪乱
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Simultaneous communication disruption for suppression of the smaller tea tortorix moth, Adoxophyes sp., and the tea tortorix moth Homona magnanima with (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate, the common pheromonal component of the two species, was conducted for 2 year (1983-1984) on 5-ha nonisolated commercial tea fields. Rate of evaporation was 2.5 to 13.7 g/day/ha. Inhibition rate of male attraction, which was monitored with pheromone traps, was high ranging 98.2 to 99.3% for Adoxophyes and 99.5 to 99.96% for Homona. Mating of females of Adoxophyes and Homona in the pheromone-treated fields were reduced 32.0-39.2% and 26.5-66.2% from those of control fields, respectively. in the 1 st year, the density of the overwintering larvae of Adoxophyes in the treated field was reduced to 17.8% of that of the control fields and 56.4% in the 2nd year. And those of Homona were 32.9% and 7.4% respectively.
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