Modeling of Spinal Column of Seated Human Body under Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration
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In vehicle systems occupational drivers might expose themselves to vibration for a long time. This may cause illness of the spinal column such as low back pain. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the influence of vibration to the spinal column. Thus the modeling of seated human body is conducted in order to evaluate the effect of whole-body vibration to the spinal column. This model has the spinal column and the support structures such as the muscles of the back and the abdomen. The spinal column is made by the vertebrae and the intervertebral disks that are considered the rigid body and the rotational spring and damper respectively. The parameter of this model is decided by the literature and the body type of the subject with respect to the mass and the model structure. And stiffness and damping parameters are searched by fitting the model simulation results to the experimental measured data with respect to the vibration transmissibilities from the seat surface to the spinal column and the head and with respect to the driving-point apparent mass. In addition, the natural modes of the model compare with the result of experimental modal analysis. The influence of the abdomen and the muscles of the back are investigated by comparing three models with respect to above vibration characteristics. Three model are the proposed model, the model that has the spinal column and the model that has the muscles of the back in addition to the spinal column.
- 社団法人 日本機械学会の論文
吉村 卓也
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University
NAKAI Kazuma
Railway Technical Research Institute
Yoshimura Takuya
Department Of Electronics And Bioinformatics Meiji University
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