- 論文の詳細を見る
To predict carbon exchange rates of crop populations cultivated in the closed plantation experiment facility (CPEF), it is necessary to simulate the response of photosynthesis to changes in environmental conditions. We examined whether photosynthetic responses of a soybean population to changes in environmental conditions could be predicted by a biochemical photosynthesis model treating a canopy of the population as a single layer, i.e. as a ‘big leaf’. Soybean populations were cultivated under three sets of growth conditions for atmospheric CO2 partial pressure and daytime air temperature: 35, 70, and 70 Pa, and 24, 24, and 26°C, respectively. When light-photosynthesis curves of the three soybean populations were predicted using maximum electron transport rates (Jmax) and respiration rates (R) per unit cultivation area obtained from their respective growth conditions, predicted light-photosynthesis curves matched measured photosynthetic responses to short-term changes in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), i.e. to stepwise increases in PAR at an interval of two hours. On the other hand, changes in light-photosynthesis curves to changes in the growth conditions lasting more than one month were not accurately predicted by the model, since Jmax per unit leaf area differed among the growth conditions. We concluded that the biochemical photosynthesis model could be used to predict photosynthetic responses of crop populations in the CPEF to environmental changes on the time scale of hours since photosynthetic acclimation would not occur in response to such environmental changes.
- 生態工学会の論文
新田 慶治
Institute for Environmental Sciences, Department of Environmental Simulation
Nitta Keiji
Institute For Environmental Sciences Department Of Environmental Simulation
Tani Takashi
Institute For Environment Sciences
谷 享
財団法人環境科学技術研究所 環境シミュレーション研究部
TAKO Yasuhiro
Institute for Environment Sciences
谷 享
Institute for Environmental Sciences
多胡 靖宏
Institute for Environmental Sciences
多胡 靖宏
財団法人 環境科学技術研究所
新田 慶治
Institute For Environmental Sciences
Nitta Keiji
Institute for Environmental Sciences
- ポストISSの有人宇宙活動の提言
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- CEEFにおける食糧供給とヒトの栄養要求のマッチング
- CEEFのための先端生命維持メニューの評価と適用
- 労働者としてのエコノート
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- 生態工学会の役割
- 解説 CEEF居住実験における目的と計画に関する考察
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- 「閉鎖空間での生命維持」実験 (宇宙に拓く人工環境) -- (宇宙での人工環境維持システム)
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- 8.将来の宇宙利用技術(最近の衛星利用技術)
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- 宇宙服技術の現状と今後の課題
- Maternal and paternal effects on the germination time of non-dormant seeds of a monocarpic perennial species, Aster kantoensis (Compositae)
- CEEFでの使用を目的とした閉鎖型作業服の研究開発
- CEEF居住実験における目的と計画に関する考察
- 巻頭言
- 1-48 閉鎖系施設を用いて1年間の二酸化炭素交換量を測る : ヨシ優占湿地に対する評価(1.物質循環・動態)