Structure of Amino Acids Isolated from Hydrolyzed HV-Toxin M, a Host-specific Toxin-related Compound Produced by Helminthosporium victoriae
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The chemistry of several of the specific toxins isolated from a culture medium of the phytopathogenic fungus Helminthosporium victoriae, a causal agent of Victoria blight disease of oat, was studied. The structures of the amino acid components of the isolated HV-toxin M were identified, and the absolute configurations of the asymmetric α-carbons were elucidated as (S) (I - V, Fig. 1), (S) for C-3 of 3-OH-leucine (II), (R) for C-3 of 3-OH-lysine (V) and (Z)for 3-chlorodehydroalanine (VII). The structure of the other toxin simultaneously isolated, HV-toxin H, was found to be identical with victorin C.
KONO Yoshiki
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
University of Nebraska
Kinoshita Takeshi
Analytical And Metabolic Research Lab. Sankyo Co. Ltd.
Analytical and Metabolic Research Lab., Sankyo Co., Ltd.
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