- 論文の詳細を見る
One of the main causes for the error of LOP by astronomical navigation is miscalculation. The authors investigated the percentage of the occurrence of miscalculation and the steps of such miscalculation. The subjects of this study were the cadets of the trainning ship Nagasaki-maru, consisting of 11 juniors (A class) and 7 postgraduate students (B class) of Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University. The data were obtained from their practice note of astronomical navigation on their trainning cruise from August to October in 1974. As the result, although there are some differences between the two classes and by the observed celestial spheres, sun and stars, the average percentage of their miscalculation was unexpectedly as high as 40~50%, and considerable discrepancies were noted among individuals in the same class. More than about 60% of miscalculation occurred in the step of altitude calculation where the nautical astronomical table is used frequently. Generally, they showed a tendency to try only to reduce the time of calculation and to neglect its exactness.手計算における誤りは当然予想されることではあるが,その発生率が意外に高い。それは練習を重ねるにつれ減少する一方,慣れに伴う慎重性の欠如も生ずる。天測船位は,他の諸原因による誤差が加わるから,その精度が一層低下する。精度向上のために,高度測定技術の習熟と平行して,計算の面では時間短縮を図る前に正確さ,特に表値の比例部分の取扱いや簡単な加減算における慎重性をもっと重視すべきである。
- 長崎大学水産学部の論文
- 1975-08-00
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