- 論文の詳細を見る
In the previous paper, the authors reported on the precision of Decca LOP at the fixed measuring sites in Nagasaki Harbor. In this study, we extended our measuring area to the eastern sea of Goto-Nada (western coast of Nagasaki Prefecture), selecting ten sites. Decometer readings and measurements of ship's position by horizontal sextant angle were conducted at 3 or 4 points in each site in October 1973 and on the bimonthly basis from April to November 1974. Even in this limited area, the deviation of each pattern showed the considerable variation of about 0.1~0.2 lane by site and season, but the seasonal variation was not regular. The pair to obtain the most accurate position differed by site. However, since the angle of intersection of LOP and the Purple Pattern often fluctuated by more than 1.0 lane at night, the Red and Green pair is generally used. The difference of mean fix by the Red and Green pair was about 500m (0.28') in the direction of SW and the radius of the circle of 68% (1σ) confidence interval was about 170m (0.09').本海域における定偏差は観測点の地理的条件によって0.1~0.2レーンの差があり,その変化傾向もパタンにより一定でない。赤緑の両パタンは+0.1~0.4レーン,紫パタンは±0.1レーンの幅をもつ。最適ペアによるデッカ位置は,ほゞ南西方向に200~500m偏位しているが,本海域で一般的に使用されるR-Gペアによれば南西方向へ約500m(変緯約0.1浬,東西距約0.2浬)偏位し,その68%(1σ)信頼区間は半径約170mの円となる。本システムの誇る高精度の船位を得るためには,更に広範囲の海域における評価を行い,定偏差の把握と補正が不可欠である。
- 長崎大学水産学部の論文
- 1975-08-00
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