- 論文の詳細を見る
We measured the noise level in the training ship NAGASAKI-maru at underway and under ocean survey, and analyzed the frequency of noise. In the engine room causing the noise, the highest noise level was measured 112dB near the main engine and the average noise level was 106dB. In the accommodation space at underway, the highest noise level was measured 62.4dB in the cadet’s room on the tank top floor, the 2nd highest noise level was 59.4dB in the crew’s room on the 2nd deck floor and 54.1dB on the boat deck floor. The noise level decreases on the upper floor. In the accommodation space under ocean survey, the noise level on the upper deck floor and the boat deck floor showed almost no change compared with at underway. Under ocean survey the noise level was measured 69.1dB in the cadet’s room on the tank top floor and 65.8dB in the-crew’s room on the 2nd deck floor. These noise levels were about 6.5dB-higher than at underway. The noise level was influenced considerably by-both the bow thruster and the stern thruster.
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