- 論文の詳細を見る
Twelve piston-cores, twelve grab-samples, and ten dredge-samples were taken around the Kerama Gap, Miyako Island and the northern Okinawa Trough through the RN-88, -89 and -90 cruises aboard the R/V Nagasaki-maru. This report briefly describes all the samples, also showing summaries of the cruises. From some preliminary studies of these samples, the following observations are noticed for the further investigation: 1) Mud gravels dredged from three localities of the Kerama Gap area are dated as middle Pliocene to early Pleistocene. Combination work of these samples and of sea bottom photographs taken by deep-sea stereo camera may offers a key to clarify the Kerama Gap formation after the deposition of the Ryukyu Limstone. 2) Although a piston-core collected from southeast of the Kerama Gap is rather short (386cm) , it contains the continous paleoceanographic records back to ca. 310Ka. 3) A turbitite core taken from north of Miyako Island shows different modes between its upper and lower parts.
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