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症例は60歳女で,人間ドックを受診したところ腹部超音波検査で左腎腫瘤を指摘され,精査目的に入院した.画像所見から腎細胞癌を疑い,根治的左腎摘出術を施行した.摘出標本の肉眼的・病理組織学的所見より腎と副腎との間に発生した非機能性傍神経節腫と診断したWe report a case of non-functioning retroperitoneal paraganglioma detected incidentally by health examination in a 60-year-old female without any clinical manifestation. She was admitted to our hospital for the purpose of evaluation of a renal mass detected by ultrasound sonography. Computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and angiography revealed the heterogeneously-enhanced 10 x 10 cm mass in the left retroperitoneal space without any distant metastasis. It was suspected to be a renal cell carcinoma. All laboratory data, including those from endocrinological examinations, were within normal ranges. Radical nephrectomy was performed to resect en bloc the mass and the left kidney. The pathological and immunohistochemical examinations of the mass which was completely separated from the kidney and the adrenal gland, showed characteristic features of paraganglioma with vascular and capsular invasion, with a final clinical diagnosis of the pathologically-malignant non-functioning paraganglioma occurring between the left kidney and the adrenal gland.
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