3歳児の生活リズムに関する調査研究 (2) : 保護者に対する「生活リズム」に関する教示文提示の効果
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Summary : This study investigated the effect of instructional text about “The rhythm of daily life” on the consciousness and behavior of parents of three-year-olds. They were divided into two groups. One of them was E-group reading the text mentioned the importance of “The rhythm of daily life”, the other was C-group reading the text mentioned the importance of “Contact with infants”. And E-group was divided into two groups. The text of E1-group contained the understanding of concept of “The rhythm of daily life”, the text of E2-group did the understanding of that and the concrete behavior. The effect of the text of E-group was shown in the change of the consciousness about “The rhythm of daily life”. In the behavior of parents, though the effect was different depending on the kinds of that, there was a tendency the more behaviors showing the effect were recognized in E1-group. In the behavior of infants in the nursery facilities, the effect was investigated depending on the groups divided by the frequency of the trouble-behavior. The effect of the text of C-group on the infants with the lower frequency, and the effect of the text of E2-group on those with the higher one were recognized.
- 羽陽学園短期大学,ウヨウ ガクエン タンキ ダイガク,Uyo Gakuen Collegeの論文
- 2007-02-01
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