ベトナムにおける外国企業の植林投資 : QPFLとVIJACHIP
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ベトナム政府は1998年から2010年までに「500万ha国家植林計画」を策定した.計画の目標を達成するために,私的経営が推奨され,非国営企業,組織,世帯,個人,外国資本との合弁会社による植林や林産物加工分野への投資が奨励された.中部沿岸地域はアカシアやユーカリの適地とみられていたが,外国企業の植林投資条件が緩和されたこともあり,中部沿岸においてQPFL社とVlJACHIP社が設立され,未立木地を対象に製紙原料の生産を目的とした植林が進められることになった.QPFL社は土地の確保に苦労し,地力の悪い所に植林せざるを得なかった.これに対しVIJACHIP社は地元植林会社を協力企業にしたため,優良地における植林を進めることが出来た.また,ハイブリット苗を利用した地域住民の植林が周辺に広がった.こうした外国企業の役割について考察する.In 1997, the Viet Nam government made “Five million hectares National Reforestation Plan” which period was from 1998 to 2010. The government stimulated private sector and promoted to invest for tree planting through nongovernmental companies, organizations, households, individual business and joint ventures with foreign companies due to achieve the target of this plan. Midland of Vietnam seemed to be appropriate climate zone for Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus species which have been used for paper materials. And investment conditions mitigated to lure companies out of country. The QPFL and the VIJACHIP were established in this area for making wood chip to Japanese paper companies. These two companies have planted over 20 thousands hectares of acacia and eucalyptus species at bareness mountain. The QPFL has hired forest-land with 35 years by the Bin Dinh province. However, land rented from the local government suffered the QPFL. After all this company has gained low productivity areas deployed all over the province and the most far distant land located nearly 150 km from the office. So far this company could not achieved wood chip production planned, On the other hand, the VIJACHIP has financed to local companies supported by the local authorities to plant trees. As a result, the VIJACHIP has fulfilled good efforts because local companies have found high productivity land and good contractors. These two companies leaded by Japanese companies have sown wood chip production systems such as hybrid acacia species, cutting seedling production techniques and chip factory. We would like to explain what kinds of roles of these two foreign companies have done for reforestation policy in Viet Nam.
- 九州大学農学部附属演習林,Kyushu University Forestsの論文
- 2006-03-27
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