エコツーリズムによる持続可能な開発 : 台湾南投県の原住民保留地を事例に
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原住民保留地の目的は、原住民の生活や文化などを保護することにある。台湾のWTOへの加入は、競争力不足の台湾農業に衝撃を与えており、その影響は、原住民保留地の農業にも及んでいる。政府は農業に対する新たな強化策を探すだけでなく、原住民保留地に農業とは別の新たな対策を提示しなければならない。本研究は原住民保留地の自然が保護されるとともに、住民の生活を向上させるために、エコツーリズムの導入について検討したものである。原住民のエコツーリズムに対する態度と潜在的な観光客を対象とする意向調査から、原住民保留地におけるエコツーリズムの可能性と価値(投下の見込める額)を分析した。エコツーリズムはレクリエーションを重視するものの、(1)自然資源と景観の保護、(2)地域文化と生活の尊重、(3)ツーリズムの利益は地域の生計と資源保護の経費に当てる、という三つの目的を持っている。アンケート調査や実証から適切なコースを提示できることを示唆している。都市住民と原住民が連携し、原住民保留地の持続可能な開発が可能である。The agricultural production function of natives' reserve will decline after entering the World Trade Organization. As the gevernment has been trying to fing a new way out for Ttaiwan's agriculturem, it is necessary to have a new interpretation for the function of the native's reserves. This study selected the Bakulas natives' reserve in Nantou Country as the study area, and took the residents of Taichung City as the respondents for a questionnaire survey to collect data for analyzing the potential market of ecotourism development on natives's reserve. The purpose of this research was based on the idea of ecotourism development to analyze ist potential market. Ecotourism considers the importance of recreation by ①Protecting of natural resource and landscape ②Respecting of local culture and life ③Benefiting from ecotourism used to protect resources and maintain life. The results to and given their amounts of willingness to pay to 14 assumed activities at Bakulas reserve in Nantou Country, which means that a potential market primarily exist. When the 14 simulated activities were arranged into a 2-day trip program for potential ecotourists who were asked about their willingness to pay for the trip. The average was 92% and amount was approximately NT$2,000.00 per trip. Based on the analyses of the surveyed data, the fersibility of the deevlopment of ecotourism in the natives' reserves, could serve as another kind of valuable outdoor recreation activity.
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