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東京大学千葉演習林内の31年生と65年生ケヤキ人工林で生長経過および地上部現存量を調べた。2調査地とも30年生頃の立木密度は,植栽密度の40%以下であった。31年生の林には雑木の侵入が著しく,多くの供試木で最近直径生長の低下が著しい。65年生の林では,33年生時におこなわれた雑木の除伐によって直径生長の増加がみられた。しかし,劣勢木では数年後には,再び直径生長の低下がみられた。幹,枝,葉の現存量および葉面積は,65年生林がそれぞれ,256.5,40.5,6.4t・ha-1,7.22ha・ha-1,31年生林がそれぞれ,54,2,14.2,1.7t・ha-1,30.4ha・ha-1と推定され,いずれも65年生林の方が大きかった。単位胸高断面積あたりでは,枝と葉の現存量および葉面積は2調査地でちかい値になった。2調査地とも,同化器官の葉は地上部現存量の約2%,非同化器官は約98%であった。65年生林の立木の生枝下高は,まわりに大きな立木が多くあるほど高くなる傾向が優勢木以外でみられた。Growth and biomass were studied in a 31-year-old and a 65-year-old manmade Zelkova serrata stand in Tokyo University Forest in Chiba. Stem analysis was used to determine growth process and dimension analysis was used to estimate the biomass above the ground. The numbers of trees of these two stands in about 30-year-old were less than the 40% of the numbers of trees planted at first. In the 31-year-old stand, the invasion of other broad-leaved trees was remarkable, and the diameter growth rates of sample trees were recently depressed significantly. In the 65-year-old stand, of which the stand age was 34-year-old, invading broad-leaved trees were cut. Thereafter, the diamter growth rates of sample trees increased. But depressed trees began to show a decrease in the diameter growth after a few years. The stem, branch and leaf biomass and leaf area estimate were 256.5, 40.5 and 6.4t・ha-1, and 7.22ha・ha-1 in 65-year-old stand, and 54.2, 14.2, and 1.7t・ha-1, and 3.04 ha・ha-1 in 31-year-old stand, respectively. The stem, branch and leaf biomass and leaf area per unit basal area were 7.93, 1.25 and 0.20t・m-2 and 0.233 ha・m-2 in the 65-year-old stand and 5.04, 1.32 and 0.16 t・m-2 and 0.283 ha・m-2 in the 31-year-old stand, respectively. In the 65-year-old stand, clear length of tree, except superior trees, was affected by surrounding trees.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,東京大学農学部附属演習林千葉演習林,University Forest in Chiba, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyoの論文
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