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カラマツヤツバキクイムシを生立木に接種し,その反応をみた。供試木に枝打ちや根切り処理を加えて接種した場合と,接種頭数を変えた場合のどちらにおいても繁殖は成功しなかった。また,供試虫によってつくられた孔道の長さは枝打ちや根切り処理では無処理の場合と差はなかったが,接種頭数の多い方が少ないものより長かった。生立木に接種した場合は,作られた孔道にはヤニがたまっていたが,その周囲は茶褐色に変色し,材には青変がみられた。春と夏の2度接種した木では,孔道は相互につながり,ヤニのない乾燥した穿入孔が形成された。材には青変が広い範囲にわたって拡がっており,樹皮の外側には黒色の腐朽菌が付着していた。ドリルで穴をあけただけでは茶褐色の変色はほとんどみられず,また青変もまれにしか認められなかった。本種の寄生メカニズムにおいても,すでに他種に関して報告されているような青変菌の関与を示唆するものといえよう。単一の孔道ではカルスの形成によって孔道は被覆されるが,いくつもの孔道が近接していると,茶褐色の変色部が大きくなり,カルスの形成による被覆は接種後6か月たってもみられなかった。Ips cembrae attacks and kills Japanese larch. It is usually said that this insect prefers hosts that have been severely damaged, and does not bore into vigorously growing trees. To ascertain this, the relationship between attacks of I. cembrae and the response of larch trees was observed. Healthy standing larch trees were treated to weaken in following two ways; (1) removal of 70% foliages, (2) partial root cut along the circle of half the canopy diameter. After about one week the beetles of certain numbers were released inside the wire net cages on the treated tree trunk. Number of released were 10, 20 or 60 in each treatment including controls. These treatments were carried in 1982. The beetles made galleries under bark of the trees. Though, most galleries were soaked with resin (Photo 1), and the phloem tissue around the galleries became dark-brown (Photo 2). This area of color change is called a reaction zone in this paper. In 1983, another expereiment was done; wire nets of 15 cm long were winded around the trunks of standing trees and 50 or 500 beetles were inoculated in May, and then 480 beetles were inoculated additionally in November. No treatment on foliage or root was done this year. In this experiment, some galleries were not soaked with resin. Reaction zone became large as a whole, and blue-stain spreaded under the bark (Photo 3). When small holes like entance holes were made artificially by drilling through bark, color change in phloem was found with much lower rates (Tables 4, 5), and no blue-stain spreaded under the bark. Beetles seemed to have accompanied the color change of phloem and the spreading of blue-stain. When a gallery was made solitary under bark, it became to be covered with callus in about several months (Photo 5). However, when several galleries were made closely, callus did not cover them still in November of the same year.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,東京大学農学部林学科,農林水産省林業試験場北海道支場,Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo,Hokkaido Branch, Forestry and, Forest Products Research Instituteの論文
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- 地球気候変動に対する地生態系の応答
- 風倒地でのフェロモンによるヤツバキクイムシ誘殺試験(III) : 1982年7〜9月・十字型試験地(会員研究発表講演)
- 風倒地でのフェロモンによるヤツバキクイムシ誘殺試験(VI) : 1983年の立木被害の発生(会員研究発表講演)
- 風倒地でのフェロモンによるヤツバキクイムシ誘殺試験(VII) : 1984年度のマーキング法による誘引(会員研究発表講演)
- 風倒地でのフェロモンによるヤツバキクイムシ誘殺試験(V)(会員研究発表講演)