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素焼きの植木鉢に黒土(砂質壌土)を入れて野外に設置した実験土壌に人工的に調整した硫酸酸性水を定期的に給水し,大型土壌動物に与える酸性雨の影響を明らかにすることを試みた。硫酸酸性水は処理区あたりの総個体数,総湿重量,分類群多様度に関して明らかに負の影響を与えた。しかし,硫酸の濃度(0.03%と0.015%)による個体数の有意な差は検出されなかった。主要な分類群についてみるとワラジムシ類には酸性水は負の影響を与え,クモ類には正の影響を与えた可能性がある。土壌表面にクヌギの落葉があると個体数,湿重量は大きくなった。しかも酸性水の個体数に与える影響が軽減した。落葉に加えて固形の油かすがあることは土壌動物に好適な環境を創造したが,この場合には酸性水はその効果を失わせた。同じような環境を選択することが知られているもの,あるいは生活様式の似た分類群は,設定された条件の中で同じような環境選択をした。均質な実験土壌を野外に設置して行う研究方法は大型土壌動物の研究法としてさまざまな形で利用可能であると考えられる。Well-mixed fine black soil was put into unglazed pots and these were sunk into the ground. The soil in the pots was perfused with either 15mm 0.015% or 0.03% H2SO4 solution or tap water once a week. After three or four months, macroinvertebrates in the soil were collected by hand sorting. Samples were divided into 14 taxa and others. The 14 taxa were Oniscidae, Armadillidiidae, Oligochaeta, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Araneida, Carabidae, Elateridae, Scarabaeidae, Shilphidae, Staphylinidae, Dermaptera, Cynidae and Gryllotalpidae. Acidic water apparently had adverse effects on total individual numbers, total fresh weight and taxon diversity of soil macroinvertebrates. There was no significant difference in the total number of individuals found in the pots with two dosages (0.03% and 0.015%) of acidic water. Acidic water significantly decreased the individual numbers of Oniscidae (Isopoda) but increased those of Araneida. In soil covered with a litter of Quercus acutissima, both the total number of individuals and fresh weight of soil macroinvertebrates increased. The adverse effects of acidic water on macroinvertebrates were relieved by the presence of litter. With dried oil cakes and litter, both macroinvertebrate numbers and fresh weight increased further, but acidic water counteracted the effects. Macroinvertebrates belonging to the taxa which have been known to select similar environments or have similar life style selected similar environments even in this experiment.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科森林科学専攻,東京大学農学部附属演習林 田無試験地,Department of Forest Science, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo,Experiment Station at Tanashi, The University Forests, Faの論文
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