ヤツバキクイムシ (Ips typographus japonicus NIIJIMA; Coleoptera)の風害後の繁殖と大量誘殺による枯損防止
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1981年の暴風雨によって大規模に風倒木の発生した東大北海道演習林のエゾマツ林で,1982~1983年にヤツバキクイムシの繁殖を調査し,合成フェロモンを使用したトラップを用いた大量誘殺によって立木枯損の発生を少なく抑えることを試みた。1982年7月下旬には,ヤツバキクイムシは風倒木の60%以上に穿入し,樹幹表面積1m2あたり4.8~11個の穿入孔を形成していた。胸高直径41cm以上のエゾマツの単位樹幹表面積あたりの穿入孔数は40cm以下のものよりも多く,また小面積の風倒が班点状に現われたところでの穿入孔数は大面積の風倒地のエゾマツ上よりも多かった。樹幹上の穿入孔の分布様式は穿入密度に応じて変化し,1m2あたり15個以下では集中分布であったが,それ以上ではほぼ一様分布となった。1983年にはヤツバキクイムシは胸高直径40cm以下のエゾマツにも高密度に穿入し,樹幹表面積1m2あたりの母孔数は幹の太さとは無関係に280~870となった。母孔密度が高くなると総母孔長は増大したが,次世代虫数は必ずしも増加していない。これは単位母孔長あたりの次世代虫数が母孔密度の上昇につれて減少し,1母孔あたりの次世代虫数が少なくなったためである。この年の増殖率は母孔密度400~500/m2で5.5,600~900/m2で2.7であった。しかし,胸高直径35cm以下の細い木では1母孔あたりの次世代虫数は少なく,増殖率は低かった。大面積に風倒木が発生した地域で,風倒木を搬出した跡地に,残存林の林縁に沿って50mの間隔で1個ずつ,延べおよそ2kmの延長線上に43個のフェロモントラップを設置した(1983年5月17~18日)。8月25日までの1トラップあたり平均誘殺数は約41,000頭(70,000~17,000頭)で,性比は1:0.15であった。この林縁では7.2%のエゾマツが枯れたが,対照区の枯損率(37%)よりは有意に低い枯損率であった。対照区で1本のエゾマツに穿入したヤツバキクイムシ成虫個体数は約16,000頭と推定されており,トラップ1個の誘殺数はエゾマツ2.5本に穿入する成虫数に相当するといえよう。大量誘殺は立木枯損を少なく抑える有効な方法であると結論される。Thphoon 15 attacked Hokkaido in 1981 and caused more than 600,000m3 windfalls in the 23,000 ha of the Tokyo University Forest in Hokkaido, and reproduction of Ips typographus japonicus was observed in Ezo-spruce (Picea jezoensis) forests during the years 1982-1983, and a pheromone trap test was carried there in 1983. The beetles infested more than 60% of the windfalls in July 1982, and the numbers of the entrance holes per 1m2 of trunk surface were 4.8-11.0. More entrance holes were made on the trees with DBH of larger than 41cm than those of smaller than 40cm. The density of entrance holes on a tree was higher in patchy windfall areas (plot 14) than in large windfall areas (plots 11-13). Distribution pattern of the entrance holes on trunk surface was contagious when relatively small number of holes were made, but it changed to uniform when more than 15 holes were made per 1m2 of trunk surface. In 1983, the beetles infested new windfalls (appeared during the fall of 1982 to the spring of 1983) intensely and the number of egg galleries reached 280-870 per 1m2. Though total length of egg galleries increased with increasing density of egg galleries, the number of progenies did not show increase. This was due to a fact that the number of progenies produced per unit length of egg galleries decreased with increasing density of egg galleries. Thus, reproduction rate (number of progenies/(2×number of egg galleries)) decreased with increasing density of egg galleries; it was 5.5 where 400-500 egg galleries per 1m2, and 2.7 where 600-900 egg galleries. The reproduction rates on the trees whose DBH were less than 35cm were apparently smaller than other trees. In an area where trees were intensely blew down over 200 ha, 43 pheromone traps were deployed every 50m distance on three lines (plots 1-3) of about 2km overall along the forest margin. Traps were set on 17-18 May 1983 and the dispensers were exchanged at about one month intervals. Each dispenser contained 1,500 mg methybutenol, 70mg cisverbenol and 15mg ipsdienol. The mean number of beetles captured per trap during 18 May-25 August was 41,000 (max.=70,000, min.=17,000). The sex ratio was 1:0.15 and more females were captured than males. This trend did not change throughout the period. Tree mortality was observed in the forest margin (3km×0.05km) where traps were deployed (plots 1-3) and other two plots 4 and 5 where no traps were deployed. Though 7.2% of the Ezo-spruce were killed by the beetles in plots 1-3, the percentage was significantly lower than 37% which was observed in the other two plots 4-5.
- 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科附属演習林,The Tokyo University Forests,東京大学農学部林学科,東京大学農学部北海道演習林,住友林業株式会社,農林水産省林業試験場,Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo,University Forest in Hokkaido, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo,Sumitomo Forestrの論文
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