- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The efficiency of the insects and diseases control by sprinkler spraying was compared with that obtained by an air blast sprayer in the dwarf apple orchard in Experimental Farm of Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University in 1981. Five cultivars grafted on M 26 were used for the experiment, i. e. Tsugaru, Jonathan, Starking Delicious, Golden Delicious and Fuji. All trees were 6-year-old. 2. Sprinkler heads were arranged at 12 m intervals in a mesh pattern, and height of the head was set at 2.2-2.5m. Each head had two nozzles of bore diameter of 2.4mm and 3.2mm, the nozzle angle being 15° in both cases. 3. In order to evaluate the tree charcteristics numerically, total surface area of branches, total leaf area and shading index of the canopy were measured. For Fuji tree, the total surface area of branches in dormant season was 1.36 m²/tree (119m²/10a), total leaf area when new shoots had ceased to grow was 13.8m²/tree (1210m²/10a), and the shading index in summer was 85.5%. A second order relation existed between total leaf area and the shading index at different times. 4. The sprinkler sprayed liquid efficiently on the upper surface of leaves, but little liquid was deposited on the lower surface. In particular, it was found that with the leaf area increases the deposit in the lower part of canopy was very little, the mean deposit coefficient being 1.3. It was estimated that, in order to increase to 4.0 which is the minimum effective deposit coefficient, spraying quantities of over 3,000 l/10a would be required. 5. In the orchard sprayed by sprinkler, the ratio of leaves infected with Alternaria blotch and the density of mites increased prominetly from the beginning of July onward, and these injuries were far greater than in the orchard sprayed by air blast sprayer. The affected leaves became a pale color and defoliated earlier. 6. In both orchard, there was little fruit damage caused by insects and diseases. However, in the orchard sprayed by sprinkler, fruit weight and content of soluble solids in fruit juice were slightly inferior.7. In spite of the sprinkler delivered about 2. 3 times more chemical solution than the air blast sprayer, the sprinkler was very poor to control insects and diseases. Consequently, all year round control of insects and diseases by sprinkler was considered to be difficult. However, the method is advantageous from the point of labour-saving, and accidents with chemical solutions or farm machinary may be few. Therefore, it seems that further research on sprinkler spraying should be developed.
- 信州大学農学部の論文
- 1982-07-26
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