- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently, the suitable varieties for mechanical harvesting of processing tomato have been developed in Japan. But still many other cultivars of tomato are grown in various areas. Besides, many different field conditions and the rainy weather make the types of cultivation more complex. As previously reported, the author designed SU-74 model mechanical harvester and it was tested in 1974. Continuously, the most compact fruit selector (Model SU-75 FS) for once-over harvesting was designed and tested for the needs of many growers cultivating under the unsuitable field conditions for mechanical harvesting. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. Model SU-75 FS processing tomato selector was constructed using a self-propelled small crawler frame. The overall length of the machine was 3,230 mm, width 1,275mm, and bight 1,385mm in field operation. The total weight of it was 312kg. 2. By handiwork, fruits were shaken down into the hopper and they were conveyed to a inclined reverse turn cleaning belt. The belt selected out completely dirt, dead leaf and other foreign material. The fruits were rolled down to the sorting table. Two to five manual sorters followed along the table eliminate bad fruits and ripe fruits were transferred to container. 3. From the field test and the observation, it was estimated that the efficiency of the machine was two or three times compared with that of the hand picking. Bruise, skinbrake and any other mechanical damages coud'nt find. 4. It is considerd that the simple and compact machine like this model or mechnical harvester ought to be spread for the processing tomato harvesting according to each field condition in Japan.
- 信州大学農学部の論文
- 1975-12-25
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