- 論文の詳細を見る
1. For the purpose of the laborsaving of processing tomato harvest, a fruit conveyer and a mechanical harvester were constructed at the Labolatory of Experimental Farm, Fac. Agric., Shinshu Univ. 2. The fruit conveyer was constructed and tested in 1968, which consists of 5. 3m long belt conveyer, bucket elevator and weighing machine. These parts were attached to tractor trailed wagon. Six hand-pickers followed the conveyer on foot and they put picked-up fruits on it, and there after the fruits were lifted to the weighing machine set on the wagon. 3. The application to this trial machine was useful for relief the hardness of work in combination with simple jobs and operations, however, it only resulted in slightly level-up of labor efficiency. 4. Recently, it is wide spreading to culture the suitable varieties for once-over harvest, for example, dwarf, small variation in the date of maturity of fruit on the plant and the narrow location of ripe fruits, instead of the long vine and large fruit varieties. The tomato mechanical harvester referred in this report was designed for these new varieties. 5. The mechanical tomato harvester was constructed using the self-propelled crawler frame of a combine harvester for small lowland rice field, and it was tested in 1973. The minimum turning radius of the tomato harvester was 1.9m. a) Pick-up mechanism ; Parts for root cutting were not necessary to be set because roots were drawn out by a bar-conveyer and a feed roller. The bar-conveyer was able to dig on the top of the bed 40mm deep. b) Sifter ; Sifter was 1,230mm in width and 1,524mm in length. It was constructed of 12mmφ stainless pipe on 100mm centers. The bed was shaked just like a conrod of slider crank system, with about 250~300c/min. The horizontal stroke of the sifter was 60mm, while the value of vertical stroke was varied from the position of the bed. By the conrod like shaking, vines were discharged to backward of the harvester. c) Dirt and foreign material discharge ; A flat belt 1,090mm wide was incorporated at a 16-deg angle to the horizontal beneath the sifter bed to recieve the fruit. The fruits rolled down into container. Dirt and foreign material discharged at the top as the belt moved up. Belt speed 12.7cm/sec was not enough. 6. The field tests were conducted mainly using KG127 variety at the Exp. Farm of Shinshu Univ. From these results of tests, it will be considered that the practical use of mechanical harvester for processing tomato is possible within a few years even under the relatively high humidity and the narrow field conditions like in Japan.
- 信州大学農学部の論文
- 1973-12-25
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