- 論文の詳細を見る
1. On detached spur leaves under room conditions, stomata closed more slowly and transpiration rate was higher in the Bartlett, highly sensitive cultivar to the leaf burn, than those in the Red Bartlett, resistant cultivar to the disorder. The similar tendency was observed on the Bartlett shoot leaves between basal leaves being sensitive and the apical being resistant. 2. Stomatal closing was slow in the sensitive leaves of basal portion of the Bartlett shoot when the leaves were transferred from light to dark and stomatal opening was also slow when they were transferred from dark to light as compared with the resistant leaves of apical portion of the some shoot. 3. In order to clear up the relation between stomatal movement and occurrence of the leaf burn, stomatal behavior in the process of burning on the intact Bartlett leaves was observed by the Olympus Neopark microscope. The leaf burn occurred on the portion where the stomata failed to close under natural drought conditions, while the portion where the stomata closed quickly remained healthy even on a same leaf. Also under an artificially blowing condition, the stomatal closure delayed and the leaf burn occurred on leaves of spurs and basal portion of shoots of the Bartlett. However, when the stomata closed quickly, the leaf burn did not occur on the leaves of spurs of the Red Bartlett and apical portion of the Bartlett. 4. Within 9 cultivars of pear tested, it was impossible to find out any relation among stomatal density, its size or osmotic pressure of leaf sap and resistance to the leaf burn. From these results, it may he concluded that the leaf burn of the Bartlett was caused by excessive transpiration due to dullness of the stomatal function.
- 信州大学農学部の論文
- 1980-07-25
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