ベースボール型ゲームでバッティングを学ぶための学習課題とその適時性 ─ 「動いているボールを打つ」指導理論による実践の経年的変容分析から─
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to prove when and which tasks is required for learning the batting in the baseball game in the physical education classes in the elementary school. Three baseball game's practices from the 4th to the 6th grade in the elementary school was developed for learning the batting and "tactical awareness". The learning tasks for batting made two maintasks and six sub-tasks based on the teaching theory of new motion principle by TEZUKA. In these teaching units, the learning process and the products were measured in terms of student formative evaluation of physical education classes, the self-evaluation to the batting by the students and the VTR about the batting in the game. The main findings were as follows: 1) This teaching unit got a high formative evaluation by the each grade's students and it was enough amount to practice the batting. 2) According to analyze the self-evaluation to the batting by the students, the students could get the feeling of achievement for all tasks, however the task of the sway was required more learning time to get it. 3) According to analyze the VTR about the batting in the game, the students could get the high performance to the most of task except for the sway. In addition, two tasks of the keep and the synchronize need more learning time for 4th and 5th grade students 4) These results suggest that the tasks for learning the batting in these teaching units has the ability for hitting the moving ball in the baseball game in the physical education in the elementary school.
- 2007-10-31
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