サルモネラ症の化学療法に関する実験的研究 : 特にchloramphenicolの生体内における有効性について
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In the antimicrobial treatment of salmonellosis, especially typhoid fever, no drug is clinically superior to chloramphenicol, although antibacterial effect of chloramphenicol in vitro is most inferior to other drugs. These facts were confirmed again in the present study using salmonellosis in C_<57>BL mice challenged orally with Salmonella typhimurium. To clarify the reason why chloramphenicol is so beneficial in the treatment of salmonellosis, a comparative study on chloramphenicol and amoxicillin was carried out using the experimental animals, in regards to distribution and duration of their activity in vivo, and the influence to bactericidal activity of the normal human serum. No significant difference between two drugs was found as far as the above regards were concerned. However, multiplication of challenged salmonella in the organs was markedly inhibited by the presence of chloramphenicol even in low concentration.
- 長崎大学熱帯医学研究所,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki Universityの論文
- 1980-06-30
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