特別支援教育における自立活動の今日的意義 : 歴史的変遷の分析をとおして
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Activities to promote independent are areas important for disabilities. But, it is one of the practice subjects of schools for special needs education. Then, the history of activities to promote independent was analyzed and it decided to clarify the factor from which the subject arose. And it decided to examine the contemporary meaning of activities to promote independent. The history of activities to promote independent was divided roughly into the name change to activities to promote independent "care and therapeutic training" foundation front and after foundation. As a result of analyzing disabilities, the educational purpose, and an independence view about those time, it turns out that this area was set up for the severely and multiply for disabilities. Moreover, although paying one's attention not only to disabilities but to complete development was emphasized. But, since the practice which focused on the disability continued, it was thought that practical use of the individualized education program of activities to promote independent had been a subject. And "the special curriculum" was able to practice activities to promote independent in special classes after "care and therapeutic training" foundation. But, since these things were not established, activities to promote independent did not practice in special classes etc. From now on, it will be necessary to practice activities to promote independent with careful attention to the independence view and disabilities view which were raised through history.
- 2013-03-15
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