米国教員組合の専門職団体化施策の分析 : NEA・AFTの同僚教員支援評価を中心に(III 研究報告)
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The purpose of this paper is to clarify the movement of professionalization in American teacher unions, by structural and legal analysis of the Peer Assistance and Review Program (PARP) directed by the National Education Association of the United States (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). Since the 1960s, while teacher unions had "Teacher Militancy" and collective bargaining for their strategy to protect teachers' rights, they also developed adversarial labor-and-management relations with their school districts. Therefore, most of the educational reform agendas proposed by school administrators were not acceptable for them. Hence, it was said that while collective bargaining has improved the working conditions of teachers, this has made school administration more bureaucratic and closed a gate for community participation. However, recently, the NEA and the AFT have changed their strategy under the concept of "new unionism" and built up closer cooperation with school administration, declaring they should be responsible to the quality of public education and the competence of teachers. The PARP is one of the most important policies under the strategy of new unionism, and the NEA and the AFT published the handbook on the PARP to enhance this program through their state and local affiliates. The handbook indicates that the purpose of this program is improving teachers' quality, not terminating teachers, and that the program should be managed by joint committee composed by both school administrators and union's delegates. We can see the structural characteristics that the program presumes the unions' right to collective bargaining and largely depends on the school administrations' role as personnel managers. This characteristics also can be seen in the legal issues caused by implementation of the PARP. The first legal concern is the bargaining unit status of rank-and-file teachers who participate in the program, because evaluative functions could make consulting teachers supervisory employees and could result in his or her exclusion from the teacher bargaining unit. The second concern is regarding the unions' duty of fair representation that a local union which is recognized as an exclusive collective bargaining representative owes to the bargaining unit teachers who are involved in the PARP. To solve these issues, the NEA and the AFT depend on the existing collective bargaining and school boards' role as their employer. It can be said that the professionalization under the PARP would not release teacher unions from the responsibility to protect the teachers' working conditions and job security through collective bargaining with school boards. From the analysis on the PARP, this paper points out that the attainment of the right to bargain collectively and bread-and-butter issues are necessary conditions for the professionalization of teacher unions, and that teacher unions aim to enhance teaching professionalization through participating into the personnel management of school administration, contradicting to recent educational reforms which intend to transfer administrative authority from school districts to the school site level. These findings indicate a new relationship between teacher unions and school administration, and the new issues of what the authority of school administration should be and how it should work to enhance teaching professionalism.
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