都市教育政治の日米比較(教育政治の諸相,I 年報フォーラム)
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Compared to the diversity of local governance in the United States, Japanese local governments are formed in terms of a single governance style in spite of the varieties of their size. The local governance model in Japan is of the "strong mayor - council" type, which is adopted by most of U.S. big cities. Another type of governance, that of "city manager - council", is a product of municipality reform which occurred in the late 19th or early 20th century and which is very close to the governance of school districts. Most school board members who are representatives based on non-partisan elections have appointed a superintendent as a professional education manager and administrator of their district's office. Education policy communities were then formed, and they prevented professional education staff from being put under political pressure while they also maintained a monopoly on the educational decision-making process. Recently, big city mayors in the U.S. have been paying more attention to education. Some of them are successfully given the authority to appoint school boards members by state-level governments. Such school districts taken over by city mayors resemble Japanese boards of education. Though recent arguments about the reorganization of the system of local boards of education in Japan, which have been derived from the decentralization movement beginning in the early 2000s, argue for the abolishment of local boards of education, that discussion has in fact shifted toward the rearrangement of powers between mayors and boards of education. However, the new national testing in Japan may become a trigger for controversy surrounding this matter, that is, of the mayoral control of education. Because of the emergence of mayors and governors who say that the test scores of each city or school should be opened to the public, we can see a serious antagonism growing between mayors and governors on the one hand and boards of education which have been apprehensive about bringing competitiveness into public education and the mayoral control of education on the other. Considerable research on the mayoral takeover of U.S. urban education boards and state assessment and testing policies after passage of the No Child Left Behind Act provides us with some possible implications of these changes. Although we hardly need state the importance of the political neutrality of public education, we should consider that a successful and continual education reform movement needs the mobilization of citizens, including various actors such as council members and business, union, and community leaders. Big cities in both America and Japan which have adopted the "strong mayor-council" style of governance, in this case with the mayor as a political leader, can thus play the role of arranging the various actors of the community in order to improve public education.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 2009-10-16
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- 末冨芳著, 『教育費の政治経済学』, 勁草書房, 2010年
- 都市教育政治の日米比較(教育政治の諸相,I 年報フォーラム)
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