- 論文の詳細を見る
Tillage pan is formed just beneath the plow layer in the fine-textured Brown lowland soil with soil texture of SiC or SiCL, Dystric Fluventic Eutrudept by Soil Taxonomy(1998), Eutri-Mollic FLUVISOL by WRB(1998). This causes the decrease in productivity of the fine-textured Brown lowland soil. Therefore, tillage pan breaking was conducted by the methods of subsoiling, improved subsoiling and deep plowing. The physical properties and root penetration after each tillage pan breaking treatment were also investigated. Improvement of physical properties by tillage pan breaking was demonstrated by the decrease of bulk density and the increase of the pore space filled with gravitational water. The pore space filled with easily available water could not be improved by tillage pan breaking treatments. Physical properties were favorable in the order of deep plowing ≒ improved subsoilng > subsoiling > controll. Sugar beet root penetration was controlled by the pore space filled with gravitational water until the middle growth period. Sugar beet root penetration was favorable in the order of deep plowing ≒ improved subsoilng > subsoiling > controll. The growth and yield of sugar beet were also favorable in the same order. The growth in the middle growth period influenced the growth in the latter growth period. It was considered that, the treatments of deep plowing and improved subsoiling increased the pore space filled with gravitational water, so that drainage and root penetration were superior to the other treatments. Therefore, the growth and yield of sugar beet in the treatments of deep plowing and improved subsoiling were higher than those in the other treatments, because the water uptake by root was more stable. It was confirmed that deep plowing and improved subsoiling at the time of one year after the tillage pan breaking operation was effective for ameliorating physical properities of the fine-textured Brown lowland soil as well as for improving the root penetration of sugar beet.
- 日本ペドロジー学会の論文
- 1999-12-31
大淵 清志
丹羽 勝久
菊地 晃二
大淵 清志
菊地 晃二
丹羽 勝久
辻 修
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