漢薬骨砕補の生薬学的研究 その2 : 市場品骨砕補の剖見(シダ類生薬の生薬学的研究 第12報)
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In this studies, the comparative investigation based on morphological and anatomical observations was carried out in order to determine the original plants of commercial Gu-sui-bu. It is found that there are four kinds of commercial Gu-sui-bu on the market. These original plants are as follows: I) Mao-jiang (毛姜), Shen-jiang (申姜) or Gu-sui-bu: Drynaria fortunei J. SM. This is the genuine Gu-sui-bu. II) Hou-er-jiang (猴児姜) or Shen-jiang: Drynaria sinica DIELS III) Da-gu-sui-bu (大骨砕補) or Gu-sui-bu: Agraomorpha coronans COPEL. Once it had been said in the literature that this was the original plant of Shen-jiang and Mao-jiang. IV) Xiao-gu-sui-bu (小骨砕補) or Gu-sui-bu: Davallia formosana HAYATA By means of this studies, it is found for the first time that this is one of the original plants. The greater part of Gu-sui-bu which is imported in Japan is (III) or (IV). These are botanically quite different from a genuine Gu-sui-bu. Both (I) and (II) are only put on the market in China and scarcely imported in Japan.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1965-12-20
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