唐当帰の成分 その1 : 当帰の研究10
- 論文の詳細を見る
The components present in the root of Angelica sinensis have been studied. Butylidene phthalide and a conjugated ketone, C_<10>H_<12>O, have been found in the essential oil. From unsaponified fracion, β-sitosterol, carbonyl compounds of m. p. 86. 5-88. 5° and m. p. 158-159.5°, and para nes have been isolated. Fatty acids from saponified fraction have been detected by means of gaschromatography.
ヒキノ ヒロシ
曳野 靖子
曳野 靖子
高橋 真太郎
Faculty Of Pharmacy University Of Osaka
高橋 真太郎
田村 乙乃
- カキドウシの成分
- ヤクシソウの成分(第1報)
- 43 イノコステロンの立体構造,合成および分離
- 昆虫変態物質の連続投与の高等動物におよぼす影響その1
- Shidasterone, an Insect Metamorphosing Substance from Blechnum niponicum : Structure
- Stereostructure of Rhodojapoin V and VII, Toxins of Rhododendron japonicum
- Stereostructure of Grayanotoxin VIII, IX, X, and XI. Toxins of Leucothoe grayana
- Stereostructure of Rhodojaponin IV, Toxin of Rhododendron japonicum, and of Grayanotoxin V, VI, and VII, Toxins of Leucothoe grayana
- Isolation of Phytoecdysones from Japanese Ferns. I
- カノコソウ根の成分その3
- カノコソウ根の成分その1
- 北海吉草根, あざみ葉吉草根および富山大学栽培吉草根の成分
- Stereostructure of Lyoniatoxin, Toxin of Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica
- Isolation of Insect-Moulting Substances from Blechnum amabile and Blechnum niponicum
- ケッソウ(纈草)根の成分
- Structure and Absolute Configuration of Faurinone
- 25 シダ植物から得られた昆虫変態活性物質
- Isolation of Insect Moulting Substances from Osmunda japonica and Osmunda asiatica
- Isolation of Insect Moulting Substances from Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum
- Isolation of Insect Moulting Substances from Pleopeltis thunbergiana, Neocheiropteris ensata, and Lemmaphyllum microphyllum
- キャラボクからポナステロンAの単離
- Isolation of Insect Moulting Substances from Matteuccia struthiopteris, Lastrea thelypteris, and Onoclea sensibilis
- バレラノンおよび誘導体の立体配座
- α-カイニン酸とα-アロカイニン酸のニンヒドリン反応
- ノキシノブから得られたプレオサイドの構造
- α-Kessyl alcoholとKessyl glycolの立体構造
- Studies on the Constituents of Atractylodes. III. Separation of Atractylol into Eudesmol and Hinesol.
- Structure of β-Kessyl Ketone and β-Kessyl Alcochol
- 朮成分の研究-1・2-
- 当帰の研究-9-
- カノコソウ根の成分その2
- オレアノール酸の微生物変換 その2
- エリスロジオールの微生物変換
- ヒラフスベの成分
- オレアノール酸の微生物変換 その1
- Structure and Absolute Configuration of β-Kessyl Ketone and β-Kessyl Alcohol
- Structure and Absolute Configuration of Kessanol and 8-epi-Kessanol
- Structure and Absolute Configuration of Kessane
- Structure and Absolute Configuration of Fauronyl Acetate and Cryptofauronol
- Structure and Absolute Configuration of Kanokonol
- Structure and Absolute Configuration of Valeranone
- Structure of Fauronyl Acetate and Cryptofauronol
- Conformation of Valeranone and Derivatives
- 10.Valeranone,Fauronyl acetateおよびCrypto fauronolの構造
- Studies on the Constituents of Atractylodes. IX. Structure and Autoxidation of Atractylon
- Structure of Kanokonol
- Structure of Valeranone
- Structure of Kessanol
- Structure of Kessane
- Structure and Autoxidation of Atractylon
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- 唐当帰の成分 その2 : 当帰の研究11
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- 唐当帰の成分 その1 : 当帰の研究10
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- 大阪大学薬学部附属薬用植物園(薬用植物園便り)