10.Valeranone,Fauronyl acetateおよびCrypto fauronolの構造
43 イノコステロンの立体構造,合成および分離
Shidasterone, an Insect Metamorphosing Substance from Blechnum niponicum : Structure
34 使君子の成分キスカル酸の構造
9.Tricholomic acidおよびIbotenic acidの構造
Stereostructure of Rhodojapoin V and VII, Toxins of Rhododendron japonicum
Stereostructure of Grayanotoxin VIII, IX, X, and XI. Toxins of Leucothoe grayana
Stereostructure of Rhodojaponin IV, Toxin of Rhododendron japonicum, and of Grayanotoxin V, VI, and VII, Toxins of Leucothoe grayana
Isolation of Phytoecdysones from Japanese Ferns. I
北海吉草根, あざみ葉吉草根および富山大学栽培吉草根の成分
Stereostructure of Lyoniatoxin, Toxin of Lyonia ovalifolia var. elliptica
Isolation of Insect-Moulting Substances from Blechnum amabile and Blechnum niponicum
Structure and Absolute Configuration of Faurinone
25 シダ植物から得られた昆虫変態活性物質
Isolation of Insect Moulting Substances from Osmunda japonica and Osmunda asiatica
Isolation of Insect Moulting Substances from Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum
Isolation of Insect Moulting Substances from Pleopeltis thunbergiana, Neocheiropteris ensata, and Lemmaphyllum microphyllum
Isolation of Insect Moulting Substances from Matteuccia struthiopteris, Lastrea thelypteris, and Onoclea sensibilis
α-Kessyl alcoholとKessyl glycolの立体構造
Structure of β-Kessyl Ketone and β-Kessyl Alcochol
Structure and Absolute Configuration of β-Kessyl Ketone and β-Kessyl Alcohol
Structure and Absolute Configuration of Kessanol and 8-epi-Kessanol
Structure and Absolute Configuration of Kessane
Structure and Absolute Configuration of Fauronyl Acetate and Cryptofauronol
Structure and Absolute Configuration of Kanokonol
Structure and Absolute Configuration of Valeranone
Structure of Fauronyl Acetate and Cryptofauronol
Conformation of Valeranone and Derivatives
10.Valeranone,Fauronyl acetateおよびCrypto fauronolの構造
Studies on the Constituents of Atractylodes. IX. Structure and Autoxidation of Atractylon
Structure of Kanokonol
Structure of Valeranone
Structure of Kessanol
Structure of Kessane
Structure and Autoxidation of Atractylon
ワカメの成分研究(第1報) : メタノール可溶性成分
唐当帰の成分 その2 : 当帰の研究11
唐当帰の成分 その1 : 当帰の研究10