B222 ナノ・マイクロ構造面における液滴の蒸発挙動(OS-4:マイクロ・ナノ熱工学(IV))
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The evaporation behavior of a sessile droplet on the nano/microstructured surfaces is investigated experimentally in this paper. Three typical modes of evaporation of liquid droplets on surfaces are observed: one at constant contact radius (CCR; i.e. constant contact area), one at constant contact angle (CCA) and one at a mix of CCR and CCA. It is found that the CCR mode is the dominating evaporation mode for water on the nano/microstructures surfaces even if the initial contact angle is larger than 90°. The pinning of the three-phase contact line is significant and large spreading coefficient is obtained at the nano/microstructured surfaces.
- 2010-10-29
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