- 論文の詳細を見る
Phosphorus in surface sediments from Tokyo Bay and its estuaries was classified by a consecutive extraction technique with acid and alkali. The acid-extractable phosphorus fraction decreased remarkably at the transition zone between riverine environment and marine one, strongly suggesting desorption of phosphorus from sediment particles. A core sample from the central part of the bay showed that phosphorus content at the surface was two times as high as that at 60cm below. Most of the increase in recent years was ascribed to a result of human activities. The amount of phosphorus buried in sediments, however, was not proportional to the increased phosphorus input to the bay. Therefore, most phosphorus input at present is eventually flushed out into outer sea without settling in the bay, although the input activity keeps primary productivity high in the bay.
- 日本地球化学会の論文
- 1989-12-30
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