Spectrum Sensing and Detection of PAL TV Signals
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In the near future, there is a high possibility of having a lot of white space (WS) spectrum in the television (TV) bands in many countries. However, a common requirement to use such WS spectrum as imposed by regulators in different countries is to be able to sense very low power TV signals. Hence, spectrum sensing and detection of TV signals have received considerable attention recently. In this work, we study sensing techniques for Phase Alternate Line (PAL) TV signals. The PAL is an analog TV standard that is currently in use and would continue to be used in many countries. We propose several spectrum sensing techniques including correlation based and improved energy detection based techniques for PAL signal detection. We present performance of the proposed techniques regarding probability of false alarm, probability of detection, sensing time etc. We also present a comparative study of the various techniques.
- 2010-10-20
HARADA Hiroshi
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Rahman M.
Ubiquitous Mobile Communications Group (UMCG) National Institute of Information and Communications T
SONG Chunyi
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(NICT)
Rahman M.
National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology(nict)
Rahman Mohammad
National Inst. Information And Communications Technol. (nict) Yokosuka Jpn
Harada Hiroshi
National Inst. Of Information And Communications Technol. (nict) Kanagawa Jpn
Song Chunyi
National Inst. Information And Communications Technol. (nict) Yokosuka Jpn
Rahman M.
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center National Institute Of Information And Communi
Harada Hiroshi
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center National Institute Of Information And Communi
Song Chunyi
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center National Institute Of Information And Communi
Rahman M.
Ubiquitous Mobile Communications Group New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center Nation
Harada Hiroshi
National Insitute Of Information And Communication Technology
Rahman M.
National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology (nict)
National Institute of Information and Communication Technologies
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