Robust Spectrum Sensing of DVB-T Signals
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The regulations for operation in the TV white space (TVWS) have been developed and released in USA and UK. It is believed that the ongoing standardization activities for operations in the TVWS and the other related activities will encourage the regulation development in more regions and countries. Based on the released regulations, regulations made by different countries are expected to commonly require the TV band device (TVBD), especially the sensing only TVBD, to be capable of detecting very low power incumbent TV signals (e.g. -114dBm/6MHz) within short time (e.g. <1 second). To fulfill the strict requirements on both of sensitivity and sensing time while keeping the implementation complexity and cost below a desired level, in this paper, we propose two new sensing methods: the one achieves the optimal sensing performance requires time synchronization while the one achieves sub-optimal sensing performance requires no time synchronization. We also propose a combination of above two sensing methods to realize a complete sensing operation procedure. The optimal sensing method employs improved threshold decision, sliding (cross) correlation of selectively reduced scale and robust time offset correction. The evaluation results show that for achieving a goal of high detection probability (≥90%) and low false alarm probability (<1%) in very low SNR regime (<-15dB), in comparison with the conventional sensing method, the proposed optimal sensing method maximally reduces sensing time by 50% in AWGN channel and by 70% in one-path Rayleigh fading channel, and reduces computational burden by more than 99% in either type of above channels. The sub-optimal has also shown to be capable of fulfilling the regulation requirements with significantly reduced implementation complexity in comparison with the conventional sensing method.
- 2010-10-20
Rahman M.
Ubiquitous Mobile Communications Group (UMCG) National Institute of Information and Communications T
HARADA Hiroshi
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center National Institute of Information and Communi
Rahman Mohammad
National Inst. Information And Communications Technol. (nict) Yokosuka Jpn
SONG Chunyi
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center, National Institute of Information and Commun
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center, National Institute of Information and Commun
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center, National Institute of Information and Commun
Funada Ryuhei
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center National Institute Of Information And Communi
Song Chunyi
National Inst. Information And Communications Technol. (nict) Yokosuka Jpn
Rahman M.
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center National Institute Of Information And Communi
Harada Hiroshi
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center National Institute Of Information And Communi
Song Chunyi
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center National Institute Of Information And Communi
Rahman M.
Ubiquitous Mobile Communications Group New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center Nation
Harada Hiroshi
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center Nation Institute Of Information And Communica
Rahman M.
National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology (nict)
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- マルチパス通信路におけるUWB信号のRake受信について(移動通信ワークショップ)
- マルチパス通信路におけるUWB信号のRake受信について(移動通信ワークショップ)
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