Cognitive Wireless Router System by Distributed Management of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
- 論文の詳細を見る
Selections of radio access networks by terminals are currently not coordinated and utilizations of the radio resources are not balanced. As a result, radio resources on some radio systems are occupied even though others can afford. In this paper, in order to provide a framework to resolve this issue, Cognitive Wireless Router (CWR) system is proposed for distributed management and independent reconfiguration of heterogeneous wireless networks. The proposed system selects appropriate operational frequency bands and radio systems to connect to the Internet in corporation between the CWRs and a server and therefore can provide optimized wireless Internet access easily even in environments without wired networks. The developed prototype system reconfigures the radio devices to connect to the Internet in 27 seconds at most. It is revealed that this reconfiguration time can be shortened to less than 100ms by elaborating its procedure. It is also clarified that network data speed required at the server to deal with 10,000 CWRs is only 4.1Mbps.
- (社)電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2010-12-01
HARADA Hiroshi
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
村上 誉
FILIN Stanislav
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(NICT)
村上 誉
独立行政法人 通信総合研究所 横須賀無線通信研究センター
村上 誉
村上 誉
Murakami Homare
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Ishizu Kentaro
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Harada Hiroshi
National Inst. Of Information And Communications Technol. (nict) Kanagawa Jpn
Harada Hiroshi
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center National Institute Of Information And Communi
村上 誉
Ishizu Kentaro
National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology (nict)
Filin Stanislav
Ubiquitous Mobile Communications Group New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center Nation
Filin Stanislav
National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology (nict)
Filin Stanislav
Ubiquitous Mobile Communications Group New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center Nation
Filin Stanislav
National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology
Harada Hiroshi
National Insitute Of Information And Communication Technology
村上 誉
Smart Wireless Laboratory, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
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