Impact of Chip Duty Factor on DS, TH and DS-TH UWB Systems in Realistic Environment
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In this paper, the impact of chip duty factor (DF) on direct sequence (DS), time hopping (TH) and hybrid DS-TH ultra wideband (UWB) systems is investigated in realistic environments. Rake receivers are designed to perform energy capture (EC) on received UWB signals over multipath and multi-user environment in the presence of narrowband interference. It is found that by applying lower DF in the signal design, multipath resolvability can be increased and system performance can be improved. However, in contrary to the common belief, lower DF does not always contribute to performance improvement. On the other hand, it is observed that at extremely low DF, EC capability may be compromised, causing performance degradation. The optimum DF values for respective systems are determined and discussed in this paper. Additionally, the strength and tradeoff for DS, TH and DS-TH UWB systems employing varying DF are investigated and compared over multipath and multi-user environment. In a multipath environment, a selective Rake receiver with less than 10 fingers is found to be sufficient for energy capture. In a single user environment, DS-UWB system has the most superior performance, followed by DS-TH-UWB and TH-UWB systems. And in a multi-user environment, DS-TH-UWB is found to outperform the rest, followed by DS-UWB and TH-UWB systems.
- 2010-10-01
Sum Chin-Sean
SUM Chin-Sean
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
HARADA Hiroshi
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Sum Chin
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Sum Chin
SASAKI Shigenobu
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Niigata University
HARADA Hiroshi
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center National Institute of Information and Communi
Harada H
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center National Institute Of Information And Communi
Sasaki Shigenobu
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Niigata University
Sun Chen
New Generation Wireless Communications Research Center National Institute Of Information And Communi
Harada Hiroshi
National Inst. Of Information And Communications Technol. (nict) Kanagawa Jpn
Sun Chen
National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology
Sum Chin‐sean
Sasaki S
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Niigata University
Harada H
Laboratory Of Medicinal Plant Science Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Science School Of Pharma
Harada H
National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology
Harada Hiroshi
National Insitute Of Information And Communication Technology
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