Cognitive interference mitigation techniques for pulsed-multiband DS-UWB system (ソフトウェア無線)
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This paper investigates the achievable performance improvement employing a cognitive interference-mitigation technique for a pulsed-multiband (MB) ultra wideband (UWB) system. To obtain further processing gain, direct sequence (DS) spreading is included. The theoretical framework of the DS-MB-UWB multiple access system employing cognitive interference-detection and mitigation is constructed over multipath environment in the presence of a coexisting narrowband wireless system. It is found that by suppressing the power of the particular sub-band affected by a spectrally coexisting narrowband signal, the impact of the narrowband interference can be mitigated. As a typical result, by suppressing 75% of the affected sub-band, bit error rate (BER) in the order of 10 fold can be decreased. In the hybrid DS-MB-UWB system, increasing the number of sub-bands is found to achieve more improvement than increasing the number of DS chips. In this case, a total processing gain improvement of 20 can be achieved at the same BER. Additionally, the bandwidth and spectral location of the narrowband interference is also found to have great impact on the UWB system performance. Narrowband signal with bandwidth of 60 times narrower or below than the UWB sub-band is observed to have less significant impact. On the other hand, simultaneous to the reduction of narrowband interference, multiple access interference (MAI) and multipath interference (MI) are found to increase as a result of sub-band power suppression. This paper attempts to propose a cognitive mitigation technology that is able to achieve optimum performance while maintaining the frequency diversity by using the developed framework.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2007-11-19
SUM Chin-Sean
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
HARADA Hiroshi
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
KATO Shuzo
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Sum Chin
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Sum Chin‐sean
National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology (nict)
Kato Shuzo
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Kato Shuzo
National Institute Of Information And Communications Technology
Harada Hiroshi
National Inst. Of Information And Communications Technol. (nict) Kanagawa Jpn
Sum Chin‐sean
Harada Hiroshi
National Insitute Of Information And Communication Technology
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