- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, we explain first a modification to the previous paper on the calculation of the shearing deformation of wing tanks, published by us two years ago, and then introduce a method of calculation for the case where the centre girder acts 100per cent effectively, in order to examine the influence of the centre girder on the shearing deformation of wing tanks. The main conclusions obtained by this paper are as follows: 1) When we carry out the calculation considering only the deviation loading, we need consider the term of F^L in the equilibrium condition of forces at the crossing Points of longitudinal bulkheads and end transverse bulkheads. [See Eqs. (2) and (3)] The influence of this modification is insignificant in the tanks of centre part, but fairly large in the tanks of fore and aft ends. 2) The shearing deformation of wing tanks become small in general by considering the effect of centre girder. In the numerical example of this paper, the amount of the shearing deformation has decreased 30〜40per cent at the centre parts of tank by assuming that the centre girder acts 100per cent effectively. As the degree of effectiveness of centre girder, however, is not 100per cent in an actual ship structure, the amount of decrease of shearing deformation do not become so large as this.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1967-02-28
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