- 論文の詳細を見る
It is worthy of our notice that a number of damages occurred in recent years on the bulkhead plates of large ships. They are supposed to be caused by the local vibration of panels. In this paper, we suppose the panels stiffened in one direction only and analyse the vibration of these panels applying the method which one of the authors used in the study of coupled vibration of ship's hull and bottom structure. At first, we treat the special case, where the number of stiffeners is infinite and the stiffeners make quite the same deformation alternately, and show the fact that the solution under this special condition can be classified into the four kinds of type. Next, we treat the general case, where the number of stiffeners is limited, and carry out the numerical calculation about the two cases where the number of stiffeners is three and seven. As a result of this calculation, it has become clear that the natural frequencies in general case are closely related with those in special case mentioned above and consequently the solution in this special case has a very important significance. Lastly, for the convenience of design, we propose an approximate formula for the minimum natural frequency of stiffened plates.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1968-07-29
- 船体防撓構造の座屈強度について
- 船体上部構造の前後振動に関する基礎的研究
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- バルクキャリヤーの船側構造の剪断強度について
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