- 論文の詳細を見る
The vibration in the engine room of the turbine-powered ship is mainly excited by the thrust fluctuation of the propeller. To clarify the nature of vibration of this kind in the turbine-powered aft engine ship, the authors have investigated first the vertical vibration of the double bottom in the engine room and the fore-and-aft vibration of the propulsion system. Next they have calculated their coupled vibration. The measurements of the vibration and the thrust fluctuation have been carried out on full scale ships and the results have been compared with theoretical ones. The main conclusions are as follows; a) The vibration in the engine room liable to be caused by the thrust fluctuation of blade frequency and twice the blade frequency are the following two types; a shaft axial vibration and the fundamental mode of vertical vibration of the double bottom. b) The fore-and aft vibration of the propulsion system has a small influence on the vertical vibration of the double bottom. Thus the propulsion system can be treated as a weight for the vertical vibration of the bottom. c) The effective vibratory weight of the shaft axial vibration increases by about 30 percent than its actual weight under the influence of the fore-and-aft vibration of the main engine and the vertical vibration of the double bottom. d) The amount of the thrust fluctuation changes with the number of propeller blades. For the vibration in the engine room, the blade frequency thrust fluctuation of the four bladed propeller is the most unfavorable.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1969-07-30
香川 洸二
牛島 正夫
中野 昌輔
松岡 孝典
牛島 正夫
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